Koko is the ultimate booking app for all your service needs. We are building a world of opportunities for service seekers and service providers alike, with us as the bridge between them.
With a commitment to trust, transparency and tech excellence, Koko is the platform for modern-day service needs.
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Mary Oladele is a Sales Executive in the Marketing/Sales team. The team is responsible for onboarding customers as well as fostering strong relationships between them and the product.
What drives you every morning?
From day one, what has always driven me is my motivation to be financially stable, and be successful in my career journey.
What’s one thing you look forward to doing at work each day?
This is tricky, because I look forward to lots of things- especially with my team members. I will say the most important one though is onboarding new customers to Koko as well as speaking with existing customers. And being able to resolve their concerns speedily.
Mondays or Fridays? Which is your favorite?
Definitely Fridays!!!!!!!
Our mission is to make booking easy and convenient. What actions do you take each day that makes this possible?
I make it my duty to let every customer I onboard know that they are joining the future of booking and their future-self thanks them for this present action.
Quick one!
If you had a superpower, what would it be? Healing.
Pets- yah or nay? Yaahh I have four pet dogs.
Netflix and chill or out and about? I will rather sleep all day lol.
What did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be a politician.
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If you’re interested in joining the future of booking like hundreds of customers Mary has onboarded, then download the Koko app on iOS or Android devices . You can also join our WhatsApp community.
And that’s a wrap. Welcome to the future of booking services.